Friday, September 5, 2008

The Latest

Hi all. Forgive my not writing of-late. Life seems to get very busy with the good, the bad and the ugly! We had a lovely vacation with family (see Tom's blog at for pics. I'm quite computer illiterate so I leave the pics to him!) We went to MI to meet our new nephew & see Tom's sis, our brother-in-law & niece. And then we swung by Chicago to visit my aunt, uncle & cousins. Had a great time visiting with family and soaking in the sun at the beach in downtown Chicago. What fun!

Now to the not so fun you all know Ian had tubes put in last month and then had an ABR done earlier this month to test & see how well they were working. Not well, were the results! Merde! (That's sh_ t, in French!) So the fluid in Ian's ears is not the only problem, it's nerve damage. So, hearing aids were the next step. So the day after we returned from vacation the kids and I headed out to get hearing aids. Four and a half hours later Ian had his hearing aids in place and working very well for him! It's amazing what they can do these days! (By the way Arnold Palmer was sitting in the seat next to us getting his hearing aids put in!)


Yankee said...

I've nominated you for an award Annie. Go to my blog for details

Annie's Porch said...

Yankee- Wow, thanks so much for the award! That's fab! I appreciate it!